The two images below TBC ( To Be confirmed) show two Ichneumons in the first the Ovipositor can be seen , which is often mistaken for a large sting It can be used by the wasps to bore into and lay eggs inside rotten wood.
Ichneumons are Parasitic Wasps in the Family Hymeopetera and are closely related to other hymenopterans, such as ants and bees.

The Ichneumon below is believed to be Amblyteles armatorius probably one of the more common Ichneumons seen in the field

This species is very common in mid-summer, frequently seen on the flowers of umbeliferae (especially Hogweed and Angelica) but you will also find them on thistles and brambles. It is probably the most common of the Ichneumons and can be seen by day in sunshine.
Another Unidentified Ichneumon TBC - Ichneumoninae ??
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