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Tuesday, 26 January 2016
Goosanders & The Calder
Goosanders are a Freshwater diving duck,
They are in a Family of Ducks called Sawbills because of their narrow bills with saw-like 'teeth' which are good for gripping fish.
Goosanders are excellent at fishing, but their diet, which includes Salmon and Trout, and the ecosystem and water quality of Cromwell Bottom is conducive to this relationship
The male Goosander has a dark green head, a black back and a long, red bill with a hook at the tip. The white sides and breast sometimes have a pink glow.
The female is grey with a gingery or rufous brown head and a white throat.
Males may not be seen in Summer as it is known that the this species has a unique migratory behaviour where it will leave for the FFjords of Norway in Summer to Moult returning in Nov Dec Females remain in this country with a few solitary males to moult
Goosanders Mergus merganser is also known as Common Merganser Mergus merganser
They have an estimated life Span of 7 years
Common Mergansers typically nest in tree cavities wet woodland areas and around large crack willows close to water
Goosanders are mainly a River Duck and is similar to the Red breasted merganiser which tends to shallower waters of coastal nature Eg estuarines etc
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