The Main Bridge onto the reserve at Crowther Bridge at the Anglers Car Park is due for demolition as a result of barge collision earlier this year during the flood events. Access is planned to be open in the Evening and Week Ends
The Bridge As Was......
Please note that outside such times parking at the Avocet Factory at Brookfoot and walking the Canal Tow path toward elland will be the only effective way to visit.
FEET The Freshwater Environment Ecology Trust have been liasoning on this issue and seek to ensure the Vousoirs (Arch Bricks) , Springers and general architectural impression of the replacement mirrors the Heritage stature of the original constuction particular with regard to the retention of the old Chain marks on the Block Facings . Important educational features for our local schools.
No one has actually seen the councils proposal which needs to be in keeping with the area. The intention is also to remove the pedestrain concrete Bridge when completed although we are not entirley informed of the logic of disposing of the Downstream fail safe. The work is being undertaken on by the canal and River Trust on behalf of the Council who are the owners of the Bridge from government flood relief monies but we will be looking very carefully at the incorporation or proposal of such funding to remove Land Drainage containing Toxix Landfill Waste front the site which is not the intended use of the funding
FEET are currently raising issues of emergency acess and protocols for the emergency services in the event of fire or ambulance needed on site Members can currently access FEET protocols on their blog Members Site
The Natural History of Cromwell Bottom LNR All Records or Data Sets (C) 2009 - 2018 All Rights Reserved
Cromwell Bottom

Guide To Cromwell LNR
April 2015 Updated Link on The future of Cromwell Bottom Sign our PETITION (click) to help Cromwell Bottom
WILDLIFE SITING /IDENTIFICATION Send Details or Pictures of finds for identification click to email RECORDS. Please Note ALL lists and Biological Records are Copyright Protected (C) Colin Duke 1998 - 2018 on behalf of the Freshwater Environment Ecology Trust . they should NOT be used or reproduced without permission
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